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Publication start year 2008
Number of Volumes 17
Number of Issues 61
Number of Articles 880
Nomber of submissions 1,621
Nomber of Reject Aticles 578
Nomber of Accept Articles 889
Number of Reviewers 396

This journal was published by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 1985 under the title of Agricultural Sciences and Industries (all majors). It has been publishing manuscripts under the title of Plant Protection since 2007 and under the title of Iranian Plant Protection Research Journal since 2021 until now. At first, this journal was published as bi-quarterly 2008-2010 and as a quarterly (4issues per year) since 2010.

This journal covers the problems concerning pest, diseases (including nematodes, bacteria, viruses, fungus) and weeds. Moreover it helps those interested in knowing and dealing with them. It also publishes short communications including useful information.

Current Issue: Volume 38, Issue 2 - Serial Number 64, June 2024, Pages 105-195 

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