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Publication start year 2008
Number of Volumes 17
Number of Issues 63
Number of Articles 896
Nomber of submissions 1,645
Nomber of Reject Aticles 594
Nomber of Accept Articles 909
Number of Reviewers 403

Journal of Iranian Plant Protection Research  covers various cellular, molecular, physiological and biochemical aspects related to the biotic stresses caused by insect pests, phytopathogens (including fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes), weeds and also abiotic stresses (such as drought, salinity, unfavorable temperature, presence of toxic and heavy metals in soil, etc.). Moreover, it guides those interested in identification of destructive agents in plants and stress management strategies and provide up-to-date knowledge in these cases for them. In addition to Research Articles, it also publishes Review Articles and Short Communications containing useful information.

Current Issue: Volume 38, Issue 4 - Serial Number 66, December 2025, Pages 309-406 

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