Study of Comparative Phenology and the Effect of Emergence Date and Scarification on the Growth and Performance of Caspian Vetch (Vicia hyrcanica) and Narbon Vetch (Vicia narbonensis) in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Fields

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Plant Production and Genetics Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Department of Plant Production and Genetics Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereal crops in the world as a source of carbohydrates, protein, and minerals (Esposito et al., 2023). Its yield and planted area account for about one-third of food production. Thus, wheat plays a significant role in global food security. Various factors such as climate change, food shortages, and weeds are the most significant challenges for wheat production and seriously limit continuous improvements in wheat yield and grain quality. Vetch species are among the most important weeds in wheat fields. Since knowledge and awareness of weed phenological stages play an important role in weed management, the present study was conducted to investigate the comparative phenology of caspian vetch (Vicia hyrcanica) and narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis) as two problematic weeds with wheat.
Materials and Methods
 The experiment was conducted in the 2022-2023 agricultural year on an irrigated farm with a sprinkler system in the village of Chaqazard, 24 km from Kermanshah, in the Mahidasht district (46°48' E, 34°17' N, altitude 1362 m) at Kermanshah province. The area has a temperate to cold, dry climate with hot, semi-arid summers and cold, wet winters. The average rainfall during the experiment was 347 mm. The experimental factors include the date of vetch planting (once every three weeks after wheat cultivation), the scratching of vetch seeds (scratching and non-scratching), and the presence and absence of wheat cultivars. A separate experiment was designed using the above three factors for vetch species. For this research, irrigated Pishtaz wheat seeds were purchased under Kermanshah Agricultural Jihad supervision, and narbon vetch and caspian vetch seeds, considered weeds, were collected from the region. A factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications, including vetch planting dates (every three weeks in autumn, every five weeks in winter), seed scratching (scratched, non-scratched), and the presence or absence of wheat. A weed-free plot of wheat was included. The land was prepared on November 6, and wheat was planted on November 15 with 20 cm row spacing. narbon vetch and caspian vetch were planted between the wheat rows on November 15, December 5, January 25, and February 27, with irrigation starting November 16. Growth stage development of the vetch was monitored twice weekly, focusing on germination, cotyledon emergence, branch production, flowering, and pod formation.
Results and Discussion
The results of this study showed that on the first planting date (late November), the highest vegetative and reproductive growth of narbon vetch and caspian vetch was observed, and the lowest amount was obtained on the fourth planting date (mid-March). On the other hand, it was found that scraping had a different effect on the characteristics of narbon vetch and caspian vetch and increased some of the traits of these two weed species. In addition, the most significant increase in the growth and seed production of narbon vetch and caspian vetch was seen in their pure planting, and by planting these weeds between the rows of wheat, their amount decreased. Based on the results of the phenology stages in narbon vetch, the GDD and the number of days required to complete the emergence stage in different planting dates varied between 35.9 to 164.65 and 19 to 75, respectively. In caspian vetch, the GDD of growth and the number of days required for the emergence stage in different planting dates varied between 24.1 to 68.8 and 9 to 83 days, respectively. The results of comparative phenology stages showed that the life cycle of narbon vetch and caspian vetch was 16 days earlier than wheat, and their ripening did not coincide with wheat ripening.
The study results indicated that delaying the emergence of vicia (especially on March 9) benefits the crop. Specifically, the later establishment of narbotn vicia and caspian vetch on March 9 reduced their competition and seed production compared to other emergence dates. Thus, delaying the emergence of these weeds can mitigate their impact on fields. Conversely, narbotn vicia and caspian vetch seeds exhibited dormancy, and scarification broke dormancy, leading to quicker weed emergence and crop damage. The emergence of these weeds between wheat rows also showed a negative impact due to better resource use and intense interspecies competition for light and space. Phenological stage analysis revealed that except for the maturation stage, other growth stages of these weeds matched those of wheat. The Vicia life cycle was 16 days shorter than wheat's, with their maturation not coinciding. The optimal herbicide application time for these weeds is at wheat’s 3-6 leaf stage for the first and second emergence dates and from tillering to the first detectable node for the third and fourth emergence dates.


Main Subjects

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