Assessment of Performance the Recorded Herbicides in Rice (Oryza sativa) to Control Weed Species in Raton

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Mazandaran


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of different herbicides on weed control and yield of ratoon rice as a randomized complete block design with four replications during 2012 at the Pasha Cola village of Sari- Iran. The treatments were: Anilofos+ Ethoxysulfuron (3 lit ha-1), Butachlor (3 lit ha-1) + Cinosulfuron (100 g ha-1), Bensulfuron methyl (75 g ha-1) + Butachlor (3 lit ha-1), Butachlor (3 lit ha-1), Cinosulfuron (100 g ha-1), Bensulfuron methyl (75 g ha-1) with a two-step weeding and weedy treatment (control). Results showed that the Sulfonylurea group herbicides such as Cinosulfuron and Bensulfuron methyl reduced density and dry weight of weed on the one hand and density and dry weight of weed in total on the other hand during the growing season. This leads to increase in ratoon rice yield at the end of the growing season. In addition to results showed that the Butachlor does not affected density and dry weight of weeds it caused reduction in weight of 1000 grain and yield of ratoon rice.


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