First Report of Endaphis perfidus Keiffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), as an Endoparasitoid of Pomegranate Aphid (Aphis punicae Pass.) in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


During a funistic survey of natural enemies of pomegranate aphid (Aphis punicae Pass.) in Kashmar region, specimens of an endoparasitoid belonging to Family Cecidomyiidae was collected which identified as Endaphis perfidus Keiffer 1896. Endaphis perfidus is one of the six species in the genus Endaphis in the world that was previously reported from Acer aphid, Drepanosiphum planatoides (Schrank) from England, France and Russia. The occurrence of this species in Iran is reported for the fist time. Also, the pomegranate aphid is reported here as the host of this parasitoid for the first time in the World.
