Document Type : Research Article
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran
Ph.D. in Plant Protection, Royan Research Laboratory of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Guilan, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran
Powdery mildews belong to the order Erysiphales, class Leotiomycetes, and phylum Ascomycota. These fungi belong to the family Erysiphaceae and cause a fungal disease called powdery mildew in various host plants. The symptoms of powdery mildew are mostly seen as spots or a layer of white, yellow, brown, or gray mycelium (conidiophores) or spherical sexual structures with yellow, brown to black color (chasmothecium). As obligate biotrophs, powdery mildew fungi obtain their nutrients from living cells of their host plants through specialized feeding organs known as the haustoria. The host range of this group of fungi is limited to Angiosperms, and no powdery mildew is known to occur on gymnosperms. The life cycle of most members of the Erysiphaceae family consists of both sexual and asexual stages, and only in a few genera, the asexual stage is not known. The infection usually starts rapidly with conidia on the leaf surface. The conidia of powdery mildew fungi are transferred by wind from infected hosts to other plants and to initiate infection, they germinate on the budding leaves of plants and form appressorium, leading to the formation of haustorium. With more than 7500 plant species and a diverse climate, Iran harbors many plant pathogenic fungal species, including powdery mildew causing fungi. According to the available literature, about 33 species belonging to nine genera, which cause powdery mildew, have been identified and described from Ardabil province. As we know, the major use of land in Ardabil province is for agriculture and pasture. For this reason, fungi belonging to the Erysiphaceae family are important and diverse in this province. Due to limited studies in this area, the fungi causing powdery mildew disease on various plants in some cities of Ardabil province including Ardabil, Parsabad, Khalkhal, Sarein, Meshginshahr, Namin and Nir were investigated and identified in the present study.
Materials and Methods
To study powdery mildew fungi, samples of various crops, landscapes, fruit trees, and forests were collected from some cities of Ardabil province during the years 2021 and 2022. Each sample was given a unique code corresponding to the host. The plant samples were identified with helping of a botanist and using literature related to the flora of Iran. Microscopic slides were prepared from different structures of fungi such as sexual and asexual forms. Morphological characteristics of the samples were measured and recorded to identify the fungus causing the disease via microscopic analyses using an optical microscope. In the case of fresh fungal samples, conidia germination was investigated according to the method described by Cook and Braun (2009). Finally, powdery mildew species were identified using Braun and Cook's (2012) monograph and related literature at the level of genus and species. In addition, microscopic color photos were prepared with helping of a digital camera connected to a Zeiss optical microscope.
Results and Discussion
In recent years in Iran and compared to other important groups of fungi, articles related to fungi have been significant and are increasing more or less. Some recent publications include lists of powdery mildew causing fungi from Iran, but they are often incomplete and limited to regional studies (Khodaparast et al., 2002; Tavanaei et al., 2005; Pirnia et al., 2007). In the past, according to the research conducted in Ardabil province, until today, about 32 species belonging to 9 genera powdery mildew causing fungi have been identified and described (Davari et al., 2015). In this research, seven genera and 33 species including Erysiphe (13 species), Golovinomyces (4 species), Leveillula (3 species), Neoerysiphe (1 species), Phyllactinia (2 species), Podosphaera (9 species) and Sawadaea (one species) were identified from the Erysiphaceae. Erysiphe trifoliorum on clover (Trifolium tumens), Golovinomyces orontii species complex on ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and lettuce (Lactuca scarioloides), G. sonchicola on prickly sow-thistle (Sonchus asper) and L. taurica on common vetch (Vicia sativa) are reported for the first time from these new hosts from Iran. Also, 11 species on 14 hosts, including E. capreae, E. prunastri, E. trifoliorum, E. ulmi var. ulmi, G. cichoracearum, G. orontii, L. chrozophorae, L. taurica, P. euphorbiae, P. fusca and P. plantaginis are reported for the first time, on these hosts from Ardabil province.
Among the fungal species causing powdery mildew in Ardabil province, four species are reported for the first time from Iran on related host plants, including Golovinomyces (two species), Erysiphe (one species), and Leveillula (One species). Moreover, 11 species are reported for the first time from Ardabil province including Erysiphe (four species), Podosphaera (three species), Golovinomyces (two species), and Leveillula (two species). Generally, Erysiphe and Podosphaera genera with 13 and nine species were the most prevalent genera, respectively. Powdery mildew causes a decrease in yield and product quality as a result of direct and indirect damage; hence, accurate identification of these fungi, their host range, and geographical distribution can be useful in biodiversity studies as well as management of these pathogens.
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