Keywords = Surface tension
Evaluation Effect of Adjuvant on Mesosulfuron+Iodosulfuron Herbicide Performance on Littleseed Canarygrass Control

Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 295-303


M. kargar; M.H. Rashed Mohassel Rashed Mohassel; A. Nezami; E. Izedi Darbandi


Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2015


Optimizing Efficacy of Clodinafop-propargyl with Adjuvants on Little Seed Canary Grass (Phalaris minor Retz.) Control

Volume 28, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 155-163


M. Kargar; Mohammad hasan rashed; A. Nezami; E. Izedi Darbandi

Optimizing the Efficacy of Clodinafop-Propargyl to Control Littleseed Canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) with the Vegetable Oils

Volume 28, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 171-183


M. Shareatmadari Tehrani; S.M. Nabavi; M. Bazobandi; Hossein Hammami; Akbar Aliverdi