Author = eskandar zand
The Effect of Vegetable Oils Plus Sethoxydim Herbicide on Kautsky Curve

Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 49-61


Hossein Hammami; Mohammad Hassan Rashed Mohassel; Mehdi Parsa; Mohammad bannayan aval; Eskandar Zand

Efficiency of Chemical and Physical Hard Water Softening Methods to Reduce the Incompatibility of Hard Water Cations with herbicide Glyphosate

Volume 36, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 439-451


A. Aliverdi; A. Ghanbari; M.H. Rashed Mohassel; M. Nassiri Mahallati; E. Zand

Evaluating Weed Control Efficacy of Microencapsulated EPTC and Trifluralin Herbicides under Greenhouse Condition

Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 289-299


A. Rahbari; E. Izadi Darbandi; M.H. Rashed Mohassel; Gh. Zohori; E. Zand

Improving the Efficiency of EPTC Herbicide in Tobacco Weed Control by Microcapsule Formulation and Herbicide Extender

Volume 37, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 45-57


Ahmad Rahbari; E. Izadi Darbandi; M.H. Rashed Mohassel; Gholam Hossein Zohuri; E. Zand

Effect of Vegetable Oils on Sethoxydim Efficacy on the Control of Wild Oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu.)

Volume 34, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 361-371


H. Hammami; M.H. Rashed Mohassel; M. Parsa; M. Bannayan-Aval; E. Zand

The Investigation of pH Variation of Water in Spray Tank on Glyphosate and Nicosulfuron Performance on Barnyardgrass and Velvetleaf Control

Volume 29, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 531-539


K Hajmohammadnia Ghalibaf; M. H. Rashed Mohassel; M. Nassiri Mahallati; E. Zand

The Influence of Ammonium Sulphate added to the Spray Solution of Calcium Carbonate-Containing Glyphosate and Nicosulfuron on Barnyardgrass and Velvetleaf Control

Volume 30, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 188-198


kamal hajmohamadnia; Mohammad Hassan Rashed Mohassel; Mehdi Nassiri Mahallati; Eskankar Zand

Canola (Brassica napus L.) - Weeds Interaction Under Different Weeding Time

Volume 29, Issue 1, March 2015, Pages 144-153


shahram nazari; M.A. Aboutabian; E. zand; R. Deihimfard; J. Faraji

Barely Weed Species (Hordeum spp.) Response to Sulfosulfuron at Different Rates and Times of Applications

Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 243-251


M. A. Baghestani; E. Zand; O. Lotfifar; A.R. Atri; S. Mottaghi

Effects of Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) on Yield and Yield Components of Soybean

Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 252-260


M. Noralizadeh; Y. Abtali; E. Zand; R. Valiolahpor

Competitive Characteristics of Wheat Cultivars in Competition with Japanese Brome (Bromus japonicus)

Volume 25, Issue 2, June 2011


Mansour Sarani; Parviz Rezvani Moghaddam; M. Nassiri Mohalati; E. Zand

Evaluation of Organic Manure and Atrazine Application Rate on Its Degradation

Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2011


ebrahim izadi; Mohammad hasan rashed; eskandar zand; Mahdi nasiri mahalati; Amir Lakzian

Effect of soil texture and temperature on atrazine degradation and its half-life

Volume 23, Issue 1, September 2009


ebrahim izadi; mohammad hasan rashed; eskandar zand; Mahdi nasiri mahalati; Amir Lakzian